Package 'unittest'

Title: TAP-Compliant Unit Testing
Description: Concise TAP <> compliant unit testing package. Authored tests can be run using CMD check with minimal implementation overhead.
Authors: Jamie Lentin [aut, cre], Anthony Hennessey [aut]
Maintainer: Jamie Lentin <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.7-0-999
Built: 2024-11-14 04:43:55 UTC

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TAP-compliant Unit Testing


Concise TAP-compliant unit testing package. Authored unit tests can be run using R CMD check with minimal implementation overhead.


Given a simple function you'd like to test in the file myfunction.R:

biggest <- function(x,y) { max(c(x,y)) }

A test script for this function test_myfunction.R would be:

source('myfunction.R')  # Or library(mypackage) if part of a package
ok(biggest(3,4) == 4, "two numbers")
ok(biggest(c(5,3),c(3,4)) == 5, "two vectors")

You can then run this test in several ways:

  1. source('test_myfunction.R') from R

  2. Rscript --vanilla test_myfunction.R from the command prompt

  3. R CMD check, if test_myfunction.R is inside the tests directory of mypackage being tested. ‘unittest’ doesn't require any further setup in your package

If writing tests as part of a package, see vignette("testing_packages", package='unittest').

The workhorse of the ‘unittest’ package is the ok function which prints "ok" when the expression provided evaluates to TRUE and "not ok" if the expression evaluates to anything else or results in an error. There are several ut_cmp_* helpers designed to work with ok:

  1. ok(ut_cmp_equal( biggest(1/3, 2/6), 2/6), "two floating point numbers"): Uses all.equal to compare within a tolerance

  2. ok(ut_cmp_identical( biggest("c", "d") ), "two strings"): Uses identical to make sure outputs are identical

  3. ok(ut_cmp_error(biggest(3), '"y".*missing'), "single argument is an error"): Make sure the code produces an error matching the regular expression

In all cases you get detailed, colourised output on what the difference is if the test fails.


Maintainer: Jamie Lentin <[email protected]>, Anthony Hennessey <[email protected]>.


Inspired by Perl's Test::Simple (

See Also

testthat, RUnit, svUnit.

The unittest package's workhorse function


Report the test of an expression in TAP format.


ok(test, description)



Expression to be tested. Evaluating to TRUE is treated as success, anything else as failure.


Character string describing the test. If a description is not given a character representation of the test expression will be used.


See unittest package documentation.

The unittest.stop_on_fail option tells unit test to stop on the first test failure. This is useful when debugging long test scripts with multiple failures.

The unittest.output option tells unittest where output should be sent. This is most useful for vignettes, where sending output to stderr separates the unittest output from the vignette itself.


ok() returns whatever was returned when test is evaluated. More importantly it has the side effect of printing the result of the test in TAP format.


ok(1==1, "1 equals 1")


ok(1==2, "1 equals 2")

ok(all.equal(c(1,2),c(1,2)), "compare vectors")

fn <- function () stop("oops")
ok(fn(), "something with a coding error")

ok(c("Some diagnostic", "messages"), "A failure with diagnostic messages")

## Write a failing unit test script
test_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")

', con = test_path)

# Without unittest.stop_on_fail, we see all failures:
options(unittest.stop_on_fail = NULL)
tryCatch(source(test_path), error = function (e) { print("=== error ===") })

# With, we stop at the first failing test:
options(unittest.stop_on_fail = TRUE)
tryCatch(source(test_path), error = function (e) { print("=== error ===") })
options(unittest.stop_on_fail = NULL)

## Send unittest output to stderr()
options(unittest.output = stderr())
ok(ut_cmp_equal(4, 5), "4 == 5? Probably not")

## Reset unittest output to default (stdout())
options(unittest.output = NULL)
ok(ut_cmp_equal(4, 5), "4 == 5? Probably not")

Group associated unit tests


Group associated unit tests with TAP compliant comments separating the output.


ok_group(message, tests = NULL)



Character vector describing this group. Will be printed as a comment before the tests are ran.


A code block full of tests.


Used to group a selection of tests together, for instance you may group the tests relating to a function together.

If the code within tests throws an unexpected exception execution of the code block will finish and a single test failure will be reported referencing the ok_group.

The functionality of an ok_group to catch unexpected errors implies that tests should not rely on setup from within an earlier code block. It can also be a useful practice to isolate the code block in a local environment.


Returns NULL.


ok_group("Test addition", {
    ok(1 + 1 == 2, "Can add 1")
    ok(1 + 3 == 4, "Can add 3")

ok_group("Test subtraction", {
    ok(1 - 1 == 0, "Can subtract 1")
    ok(1 - 3 == -2, "Can subtract 3")

# Multiline group message
ok_group(c("Test multiplication", "but not division"),{
    ok(1 * 1 == 1, "Can multiply by 1")
    ok(2 * 3 == 6, "Can multiply by 3")

# Keep what happens in a group local
ok_group("Test addition of integers", local({
    x <- 1L; y <- 2L
    ok(x + y == 3L, "Can add integer variables")

Compare variables with verbose error output


A wrapper for all.equal and identical that provides more useful diagnostics when used in a unittest ok function.


        a, b,
        filter = NULL,
        deparse_frame = -1,
        context_lines = getOption("unittest.cmp_context", 1e8),
        ... )

        a, b,
        filter = NULL,
        deparse_frame = -1,
        context_lines = getOption("unittest.cmp_context", 1e8) )



First item to compare, usually the result of whatever you are testing


Second item to compare, usually the expected output of whatever you are testing


An optional filter function, that turns either a or b into text, and prints this out


Tell which frame to deparse to get original expressions. Set to -2 when making a helper function, see examples.


Number of lines of context surrounding changed lines to print.


Other arguments passed directly to all.equal


For both functions, a and b are first passed to all.equal (for ut_cmp_equal()) or identical (for ut_cmp_identical()). If they match, then the function returns TRUE and your test passes.

If this fails, then we turn both a and b into text, and then use git diff to compare the 2 outputs. If you do not have git installed, then the 2 outputs will be shown side-by-side.

When using git diff, we turn colored output on when outputting to a terminal. You can force this on or off using options("cli.num_colors" = 1) or the NO_COLOR or R_CLI_NUM_COLORS environment variable.

The step of turning into text is done with the filter function. There are several of these built-in, and it will choose the one that produces the simplest output. This may mean that the output will be from the print function if the differences are obvious, or str with many decimal places if there are subtle differences between the 2.

You can also provide your own filter function if there's a particular way you would like to see the data when comparing, for example you can use write.table if your data is easiest to understand in tabular output.


Returns TRUE if a & b are all.equal (for ut_cmp_equal()) or identical (for ut_cmp_identical()). Otherwise, returns an invisible() character vector of diagnostic strings helping you find where the difference is.

If called directly in an interactive R session, this output will be printed to the console.


## A function to test:
fn <- function(x) { seq(x) }

## Get it right, and test passes:
ok(ut_cmp_equal(fn(3), c(1,2,3)))

## Get it wrong, and we get told where in the output things are different:
ok(ut_cmp_equal(fn(3), c(1,4,3)))

## Using a custom filter, we can format the output with write.table:
ok(ut_cmp_equal(fn(3), c(1,4,3), filter = write.table))

## With ut_cmp_equal, an integer 1 is the same as a numeric 1
ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.numeric(1), as.integer(1)))

## With ut_cmp_identical, they're not
ok(ut_cmp_identical(as.numeric(1), as.integer(1)))

## all.equal() takes a tolerance parameter, for example:
all.equal(0.01, 0.02, tolerance = 0.1)

## ...we can also give this to to ut_cmp_equal if we want a very
## approximate comparison
ok(ut_cmp_equal(0.01, 0.02, tolerance = 0.1))

## We can make a comparison function of our own, and use
## deparse_frame to show the right expression in diff output
cmp_noorder <- function (a, b) {
    sortlist <- function (x) if (length(x) > 0) x[order(names(x))] else x
    ut_cmp_identical(sortlist(a), sortlist(b), deparse_frame = -2)
ok(cmp_noorder(list(a=1, b=2), list(b=2, a=3)))

Test for and compare errors generated by code


A helper to catch expected errors and ensure they match what is expected


ut_cmp_error(code, expected_regexp = NULL, expected_class = NULL,
      = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)



Code expression to test, should generate an error


Regular expression the error should match. If NULL the error message will not be checked.


Error class(es) that the error should match. If NULL the error class will not be checked. If expected_class is a vector then the error must inherit from all of the expected_classes.

Passed to grepl


Passed to grepl


Passed to grepl


Returns TRUE if code generates an error and, if they are specified (not NULL), the error matches expected_regexp and/or expected_class. If an error is thrown by code and expected_regexp and/or expected_class are given but do not match the error, returns a string with the expected and actual error message, and the expected and actual error class generated. Returns "No error returned" if code does not generate an error.


  stop("Hammer time")
}, "hammer", = TRUE), "Returned a hammer-based error")

  stop(errorCondition("Hammer time", class = "MC"))
}, expected_mesage = "Hammer", expected_class = "MC"), "Returned a MC Hammer based error")

Test for and compare warnings generated by code


A helper to catch expected warnings and ensure they match what is expected


ut_cmp_warning(code, expected_regexp = NULL, expected_count = 1L,
        = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)



Code expression to test, should generate one or more warnings


Regular expression(s) that the warning(s) should match. If NULL the warning message will not be checked. Multiple regexes can be given as a vector; see details.


The number of warnings that should be issued. If NULL then one or more warnings should be issued. Setting expected_count to zero is not allowed.

Passed to grep


Passed to grep


Passed to grep


If expected_regexp is a single regular expression, then all warnings must match the regular expression. If expected_regexp is a vector then:

  • all warnings must match at least one regular expression

  • all regular expressions must match at least one warning


Returns TRUE if code generates warnings that match expected_regexp and expected_count. If code generates warnings that do not match expected_regexp and expected_count returns a vector of strings that detail the difference between the expected and actual warnings. Returns "No warnings issued" if code does not generate any warnings.


}, "^woo", = TRUE), "Issued a haunting warning")

}, "^Woo", expected_count = 2L), "Issued two haunting warnings")

}, c("^Woo", "^Boo"), expected_count = 2L), "Issued a haunting and a diapproving warning")